Show Notes
In this episode…
We vow to use notes when we produce podcasts. That’ll never happen. Yes, we laugh and have fun. But the base-level premise of Regular Folks Rising is regular folks, people like us and you, becoming empowered to participate in the important role of self-governance.
Election season is off and running and we talk about one of the easiest ways for you to get involved is to attend the meetings and gatherings held at the local level by your local parties – for us, the Republicans.
In Weld County, here are a couple suggestions on how to connect…
The Weld County Republicans Facebook page is HERE.
Greeley Republican Politics for Breakfast is a long-standing group that meets every Wednesday morning at 6:30 a.m. for breakfast and then a program/speaker from 7:00 – 8:00 a.m. The group currently meets at the Epic Egg, 3830 West 10th Street, C-1, Greeley. Their Facebook page is HERE.
The Southwest Weld GOP Breakfast generally meets the 1st Saturday of the month, 7:30 a.m. at the Doubletree Restaurant, 701 Vasquez Boulevard in Platteville. They are not on social media, to our knowledge. The best way to stay informed on this breakfast is to drop an email to Marge Klein, who leads the breakfast, and ask her to put you on her email list.
The Conservative/Pachyderm Discussion Club meets every Friday afternoon from 2:00 – 3:30 at Coffeehouse 29, 1039 Main Street Suite K in Windsor. We are unsure whether they have a social media presence. Jim Eckersley is one of the movers and shakers behind this group and you can find his social media HERE.
The Republican Women of Weld meet periodically at varying locations in southern Weld County. Find their website HERE and their Facebook page HERE.
The Greeley Republican Women meet the 2nd Monday of the month from 5:30 to 7:30. Find their Facebook page HERE at their website HERE.
Here are some suggestions to connect in Larimer County…
Connect with the Larimer County GOP via their website HERE and their Facebook page HERE.
The Larimer County Republican Breakfast Club is currently meeting via Zoom. Find their Facebook page HERE.
We have campaigns for a reason.
Get out and meet the candidates as they attend the party events and host events of their own. Both Scott and Hugh will be at the #RightForWeld Rally on February 17. Get more information on that event HERE.
Regular folks need to know that anyone can do this – anyone can run for office!
Other topics discussed in RFR Episode 2…
We discuss bills Rep. McKean is sponsoring this year, including a bill that brings Hunter’s Education courses back to schools. Learn more about that bill HERE.
Hugh speaks of his primary election challenge.
Hugh speaks of a mistake made while voting at the State House.
We address how sometimes legislation is sponsored for no other reason than political posturing – and that is wrong!
We discuss how the best governance is built on ideas and consensus, not partisanship!