It’s an even-numbered year. That means the political arena gets much more, well, silly. Thus, it’s Silly Season. In Episode 3, Hugh and Scott talk about how the process of electing representatives can sometimes create an interesting intermix with the process of governing.
There are Great Republican Candidates!
Hugh – the Colorado General Assembly’s House Minority Leader – has traveled the state to meet them. We believe this will be a Republican wave election year – ultimately, that is up to you! Find a candidate and volunteer and donate!
Where do you find Republican candidates? Your local county Republicans is a good place to start: Weld County Republicans. Larimer County Republicans. Adams County Republicans. Boulder County Republicans. The Colorado Republican Party. Or you can search for all declared candidates using a tool on the Secretary of State’s website called TRACER.
For regular folks, policy matters!
HB21-1313 Insurance Premium Property Sales Severance Tax is the bill Hugh speaks of that places a tax on a tax and essentially sentences Craig, Colorado, to death in six years. Listen to Hugh’s SIMPLE, common-sense idea.
It’s silly season for both Hugh and Scott
We both are seeking re-election this year. Follow and support Hugh HERE and Scott HERE. Scott and Hugh are both running on ways to get back to more freedom and less government!
The PROCESS for the regular folks
Hugh and Scott talk about the process and how regular folks can become a candidate or become involved by volunteering for a candidate. The Colorado Secretary of State has an entire web page filled with links on the timeline and resources you need to become a candidate. Find that HERE.
Everybody brings their ideas!
Isn’t that what it’s all about?! The people who are for something are far more powerful than those who are against something. Find out what a candidate is FOR. What is their idea to drive us forward?
Hugh and Scott Begin at the Kitchen Table
So does the Colorado Republicans’ Commitment to Colorado, of which we both sign on to and fully support! The Big Three (which Hugh and Scott work toward every day):
- Make Colorado More Affordable
- Prioritize Public Safety
- Expand Educational Choice – let’s protect the RIGHT of every parent to be actively involved in their child’s education!
Beware of the politician who offers a plan to fix the problem that their policies created, to begin with!
That is the Democrat party’s campaign platform this year. Don’t fall for it. Their failed policies created problems. Don’t buy another “bad plan.”